DGKV successfully defended the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council

DGKV successfully defended the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council in a complex public procurement dispute related to the creation of an optimization model of the judicial map of Bulgarian courts and prosecutor's offices as well as the development of a unified information system of the courts financed under Operational Programme “Good Governance” 2014-2020. The total disputed amount exceeded BGN 700,000.00.


This is the second time DGKV managed to convincingly refute the argumentation of the Head of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Good Governance” and Director of the “Good Governance” Directorate with the Council of Ministers and to obtain a favorable court judgement revoking financial corrections that the administration stroke to impose on the Supreme Judicial Council. Back in 2023, the team succeeded in revoking the first portion of the financial corrections and now it conclusively managed to rebut the upgraded reasoning of the administration. In both cases, the first and the upper court instances decided entirely in favor of the Supreme Judicial Council.


The Supreme Administrative Court ultimately ruled that the disputed bid procedures organized by the Supreme Judicial Council were lawful both on the merits and in procedural terms. The Supreme Administrative Court acted as a final court instance and its judgement is already binding for the parties, subject to no further appeal. 


The Supreme Judicial Council was represented by Partners Angel Ganev and Anton Krustev, Senior Associate Galin Atanasoff and Associate Neli Shikova.