Construction works on nuclear plant Belene to start tomorrow

Construction works under the project for commissioning a 2GW nuclear plant in the town of Belene will start tomorrow (September 3), economy minister Petar Dimitrov unveils. The first unit of the plant should start operations in 2014 and the second one in 2015. Russia ’s AtomStroyExport won the EUR 4bn contract for building the plant in partnership with France ’s Areva and Germany ’s Siemens in October 2006. The state will retain 51% of the shareholders’ capital of the company set to run the project and will sell out the other 49% to one of the two shortlist bidders -- Germany ’s energy company RWE Power or Belgium ’s Electrabel by the end of this month. According to media rumours, RWE Power has better chances to win the competition.