BTC to invest EUR 12.8mn in network digitalisation

The country’s major landline telecom BTC announced plans to invest more than BGN 25mn (EUR 12.8mn) in digitalisation of its network. This would grant access to the broadband internet offered by the company, which can be reached in 300 settlements in the country at present. The digitalisation ratio is expected to reach more than 70% by the end of the year. AIG Capital Partners completed the acquisition of 90% of BTC in block deals on the local stock exchange for a total of BGN 2.77bn about 2 months ago. The local subsidiary of AIG Capital Partners, NEF Telecom, has recently submitted a buyout offer to minority shareholders in BTC on plans to withdraw the stocks from the bourse. The net consolidated profit of the company dropped 28.9% y/y to BGN 95mn in Jan-Sep but sales increased by 2% y/y to BGN 770.8mn respectively.