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General Corporate
20 lawyers
788 clients
General Corporate


Every journey begins with a single step

The establishment of local operations is the crucial first step of every investment in a foreign jurisdiction. We understand the importance of this process to our clients, and we do our utmost to make it as smooth and effective as possible by providing advice on and assistance with the full range of related legal issues, including:

  • the general framework for foreign investment.
  • the most appropriate legal and operational forms of business organization.
  • the formation of business organizations (including the incorporation of legal entities and the formation of partnerships and representative offices).
  • applications for government approvals, licenses, and registrations.
  • the preparation of all types of commercial agreements and related documentation.
  • shareholder, partnership, joint venture, and management agreements.
  • corporate governance issues.
  • social security and employment.
  • tax structuring.
  • currency control.
  • intellectual property matters.
  • purchase or lease of commercial property.
  • changes in the capital structure.
  • day-to-day corporate assistance.


Many of our clients are not-for-profit organizations, both charitable and non-charitable, including international business organizations and research institutions. We advise them on matters such as:

  • establishing, structuring, and enforcing corporate governance
  • obtaining not-for-profit status
  • fundraising
  • taxation
  • property transactions