EC approves nuclear project in Belene

The Directorate General for Energy and Transport to the European Commission has approved the preliminary agreement between the National Electricity Company and Russia ’s AtomStroyExport for building a 2,000MW nuclear plant in the Danube town of Belene . EC concludes that the project is consistent with the Euroatom treaty and the country may continue to pursue its commitments under the said agreement. The project for building the second nuclear power plant is valued at EUR 4bn. The first power generation unit is projected to start operations in 2014. AtomStroyExport in partnership with France 's Areva and Germany 's Siemens are contracted for building ground infrastructure, supply of equipment, installation and commissioning of the two power reactors. The local authorities should selection a strategic equity investor in the plant and sign a final deal with the Russian contractor by the end of this year. The Czech electricity company CEZ, Germany ’s E.ON and RWE, Belgium ’s Electrabel, and Italy ’s Enel have filed initial offers for 49% of the company set to administer construction works and operate the 2,000MW nuclear plant. The cabinet has provided state guarantees for EUR 600mn to the planned loan agreement with the European Investment Bank and Euroatom in support of the project.