The minister responsible for the EU funds utilisation Tomislav Donchev said that the contracted EU funds under the seven operational programmes have exceeded BGN 9bn (EUR 4.6bn), which is more than half of the financing for the period 2007-2013, amounting to BGN 13bn, informs. The payments have reached BGN 2.8bn or some 18% of all funds. The authorities target to reach payments of some BGN 3bn by the end of the year. In August, Donchev said that the country may get some BGN 16.5bn (EUR 8.4bn) from the EU structural and cohesion funds in the period 2014-2020. In the next programming period, the authorities will prioritise the combination of infrastructure and social measures, to be financed from several funds.
Source: Intellinews - Buglaria Today