Fifth Biennial Energy Event

DGKV’s energy lawyers Milan Pandev, Yassen Spassov and Nikola Minchev participated in the Fifth Biennial Energy Event hosted by the Energy Law Group in Warsaw on 22nd September 2017. The event brought together lawyers, industry representatives and policy makers from 37 countries within Europe, Middle East and North Africa who discussed the industry’s most compelling issues in a private and secluded environment. The hosts from Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak created a memorable social program as well.
The event provided an excellent opportunity for DGKV’s representatives to share their experience and get more closely acquainted with plans for further development of the EU energy market and legislation. They actively participated in workshops focused on regulatory and commercial mechanisms to make energy storage commercially viable, pipelines & gas trading in a moving environment, clean energy transition, etc. Within the Workshop on Clean Energy Package Yassen presented the EU Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms, EU Market Data and the proposal for Regulation on the Internal Market for Electricity (recast). He also joined the panel discussion on the Clean Energy Package together with other reputable energy lawyers.