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13 lawyers
65 clients



Transportation covers numerous public and private sector activities, such as air travel and airport operations, freight trucking, marine cargo handling, pipeline transportation and management, road and rail transportation, public and charter bus transportation, ground passenger transportation, taxi services, employee and school bus transportation, transport infrastructure, and logistics services. The financial performance of participants in the transportation industry is sensitive to company earnings and the price of transportation services, which in turn are often affected by government regulation, geopolitical events, fuel costs, the demand for services, and labor costs. DGKV’s team of experts in this sector acts as lead advisor on regulatory, property, commercial, and public-law issues pertaining to all stages of infrastructure, concession, and transport projects. We are widely recognized for our expertise in PPI/PPP projects and concessions and other projects in transport and utilities that are unique to Bulgaria. Our firm’s significant experience includes work with both central and local governments involved on both the financing and sponsoring side in a number of PPP and concession projects, the organization of and participation in tenders and bids, participating in negotiations, participating in consultation procedures, and the drafting and execution of project and financing documentation.