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7 lawyers
88 clients


Only one Earth

DGKV’s Environment practice group reflects and addresses the growing concern with environmental, health and safety issues and the impact of those issues on our clients. Accordingly, we advise clients who operate in energy, utilities, infrastructure or industrial activities, or who have real estate portfolios and face environmental issues on matters related to: 

  • environmental criteria for doing business
  • environmental approvals, permits and licenses and their transferability
  • impact studies and environmental management programs
  • environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and ecological assessments (EAs)
  • EIA and EA procedures related to investment and construction projects
  • environmental regulatory compliance
  • waste management
  • air and water pollution, and land contamination
  • environmental liability
  • health and safety at work
  • environmental litigation, including damage claims for pollution and other environmental harm
  • contractual allocations of environmental risks
  • climate-related commodity derivatives, including carbon allowances and certificates of origin