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Projects, PPP & PFI
12 lawyers
69 clients
Projects, PPP & PFI


When you need a team loaded for bear

Our Projects, PPP, & PFI practice group provides full-scope advice and assistance to clients in matters related to projects and concessions in all industry sectors. Our experience includes:

  • working with central and local governments and financing institutions involved on both the financing and sponsoring sides in a number of PPP and concessions projects
  • advising on structuring public-procurement, concessions, and European Structural and Investment Funds procedures
  • advising on structuring contracts
  • advising grantors on matters related to the structuring and drafting of tender documentation
  • working on matters related to the negotiation and execution of contracts
  • assisting with dispute resolution
  • assisting with the organization of and participation in tenders and bids
  • participating in negotiations
  • participating in consultation procedures
  • assisting with the drafting and executing of project, financing, and joint-venture documentation
  • assisting with regulatory matters.